Workshops & events
Managing chronic pain
Saturday 11th January 2025
Little Yoga Space, Lisbon | online We can help people change the narrative of the stories that dictate their lives, from a story of pain to a story of health. Let’s understand the different types of pain, and the role of body awareness and movement in managing and preventing chronic pain. |
Thai Yoga Massage introduction workshop
22nd February 2025, Lisbon
Let's re-connect in this world of disconnect. We are Beings of relation by Nature, so no wonder we struggle with the modern lifestyle that keeps creating more and more isolation. Living in this conflict is one of the root causes of all the pain we carry around. Thai Yoga Massage is a practice of deep connection between two people and offers a beautiful antidote to this conflict. The main principles of this ancient bodywork are: loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity. Thai Yoga Massage is like a meditation in action, with two people on the mat, a sacred dance. And aside from a chance to experience this connection, this workshop is also an opportunity to learn some fun and delicious moves and stretches that feel great to give and to receive. |
Yoga for building resilience & supporting community
Next round TBC
Restore a sense of Self to help you show up in the world. Being in today's world takes courage. There are many reasons to feel anxious, overwhelmed, angry, stressed, and disconnected from ourselves and our communities. Explore a number of practices - Yoga, somatic movement and breathing to promote compassion and restore a sense of wholeness. |
The Story of the Pelvic Floor
Next date TBC
We, and especially women, are being conditioned to tighten the Pelvic Floor as part of building core strength, through which it has over the last few decades gained an almost infamous reputation. But do you actually know, what it is? Where it is? What it does? |
Restoring vitality in the internal organs
Next date TBC
The abdomen is the centre of our body, physically and energetically, and we even call it the second brain. It should not get forgotten in our treatments. Tension in and around the abdomen is often the reason for lower back pain, pelvic problems or digestive issues. Many people hold their emotional tension, habitual protective patterns and unprocessed trauma in this area. In this workshop we will explore tools and techniques of visceral manipulation as well as the Eastern perspective of the Hara. And we will cultivate a deeper level of presence to help us connect with this usually more sensitive part of our Being. |
Restoring grounding, balance & mobility
Next date TBC
Feet, legs, hips - through our lower extremities we connect to the earth, but we also move forwards in life. Due to modern lifestyle influences (like narrow shoes, sitting on chairs all day etc), we lose a lot of our innate intelligence in our feet and legs, as well as mobility and vitality. This leads to balance issues, inflammation, stagnation, and often lower back pain. In this workshop we will explore tools and techniques to restore movement and mobility, balance and joint integrity. We will also look at releasing the blocked energy around the joints to allow the receiver’s body to gain vitality and to use it for more effective healing. By bringing attention to the feet, we also establish a sense of grounding and safety, from where life can be expressed more freely. |
Through the lens of the Vagus Nerve
Next date TBC
This workshop is for floor-based bodyworkers (Thai Yoga Massage, Shiatsu, Ayurvedic massage etc) and Yoga therapists, or if you work with hands-on adjustments and touch, and are increasingly attracting clients dealing with more complex issues, such as pain, chronic conditions or trauma. You are working with people who are looking for support in their personal healing and growth process. These people are in need of more than just a relaxing treatment or a good stretch. This is where we need to understand and work directly with the Autonomic Nervous System and the Vagus Nerve. |
Freeing the heart space
Next date TBC
The heart space is the centre of our compassion and emotion, and deserves special care and attention in our treatments. So often people carry a heavy heart and feel actual pain and pressure. Grief, loneliness, separation, unprocessed trauma can lead to strong habitual protective patterns around the heart. So much so, it will effect people’s posture and breathing and lead to lack of mobility in the shoulders, arms and neck. In this workshop we will explore tools and techniques to free up the whole upper thorax and back and restore the vitality of heart and lungs. And we will cultivate a deeper level of presence to help us connect with this usually more sensitive part of our Being. |
Improve your Resilience with Breathing Exercises
Next date TBC
Learn how to regulate your nervous system with the power of the breath. Especially during challenging times, it is important to nurture our innate resiliency, so we can navigate life with more ease. This workshop is for anyone who wishes to gain some very practical tools to help them with their own anxiety, as well as yoga teachers, social workers, nurses or therapists, who wish to support their community. |
Restore your vitality
Next date TBC
If you ever feel sluggish, heavy, stiff, tired, or just somehow not yourself, you lack some of your natural vitality. That can be because of a number of reasons.... one of them being your diaphragm holding too much tension causing disruption in your internal pressure and communication system. With a stuck diaphragm, our breathing can't be in its full expression and vital life force can't be distributed through out body. |
Why & how to yield
Next date TBC
Let's remind the body of what yielding really feels like. It's part of the body's natural blueprint, but gets overwritten by habitual holding and coping mechanisms all the time. This Yoga workshop is a playful exploration of how we can establish the conditions in the body to allow effortless and natural movement to be expressed. |
The Stillness within
Next date TBC
It's when we come to this perfect inner Stillness within, that change can take place, that a shift can happen, that healing can begin. It's the fulcrum from where we can come into our full expression, from where everything moves, and to where everything returns. |
Free your breath
Are you finding yourself struggling with the stress of the current times? Maybe you are noticing some typical symptoms sneaking up on you, like feeling drained or sluggish, or carrying a lot of tension in the body. You would probably just love to get back to feeling yourself again. But you are finding it difficult to find the discipline for doing a regular self-care practice of something, anything. Maybe you can't even make up your mind what kind of practice to take up. I hear you. That's why I love working with the breath. It's 'relatively' easy, everyone can do it, and it's powerful. It makes a difference. It so profoundly helps to regulate our nervous system, that it promotes a whole range of health benefits. Even with just half an hour, or even 20 minutes a day. In this workshop you will learn three different breathing techniques, plus different ways to prepare, stretch, vitalise and open the body. You will walk away with some simple-to-follow routines to help you develop a daily self-care practice. The recording of the online stream will be available to everyone afterwards. |